ECU Faculty Association Strategic Planning Workshop
- Client Emily Carr University Faculty Association
- My Role Consultant / Facilitator
- Date Spring 2021
The ECUAD Faculty Association (FA) is Emily Carr’s faculty union and includes regular and non-regular faculty teaching in degree programs, as well as several non-teaching faculty in the areas of research, library services, and counseling.
On February 17, 2021, Emily Carr University Faculty Association hosted a strategic planning workshop with 20 regular, non-regular and non-teaching members from across faculties and departments.
Presentation Slides
In the first half of the workshop, break out groups shared their perspectives in response to two main questions: What’s working? What’s not working? Coming back together, each group had a chance to share what was surfaced in their groups, as we tried to connect the dots between surface events and patterns, with underlying systemic barriers and enablers. Participants were then invited to take a 20 minute walk to reflect on a vision for the Faculty Association 1,3,5,10 years into the future. We spent the remainder of our time together drawing our vision statements onto a collaborative timeline. We left feeling inspired, hopeful and empowered.
See some of what was co-created using Mural below:
The result from this work is the recommendation to pilot a new position on the executive team to support with coordination and communications. The membership has approved this motion!